Gala Auction raises $35,000

The 27th annual Northwestern College Gala Auction on Saturday, Feb. 20, raised $35,000. 

Proceeds will help fund $1,000 Alumni Scholarships for 30 to 35 students next year, the $1,500 Northwestern College Teaching Excellence Award, a fall workshop for faculty, and student life programs.

Around 650 community members attended the event. Bids were submitted on more than 400 items.

Items that secured generous bids at the event included Florida and northern Minnesota vacations, a South Dakota pheasant-hunting package, Twins baseball tickets, and a Kindle.

Prior to the auction, more than 400 bids had been submitted online. A TomTom GPS system, iPod Touch and Orange City Fitness membership were among those items receiving numerous online bids.

Event coordinator Aletha Beeson praised the spirited participation of Northwestern’s supporters. “We’re grateful people continue to come out for the auction year after year,” she said. “The current economy doesn’t seem to discourage the generosity of Northwestern alumni and friends. The bidding was as competitive as ever.”
