Mission leader to speak at Northwestern
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Since 1996 Heuertz has served as the international executive director of Word Made Flesh, an Omaha-based nonprofit organization serving the most vulnerable of the world’s poor. With communities established in Asia, Latin America, Europe and Africa, Word Made Flesh seeks to reconcile the church with the poor.
Heuertz has traveled through nearly 70 countries with his wife, Phileena, working with children with AIDS, recovering drug addicts, refugees, and prostituted women and girls. He lived in India for several years, establishing two Word Made Flesh children’s homes for children with AIDS, leprosy and special needs.
A speaker at conferences such as the Urban Youth Workers Institute, Passion, Catalyst and Urbana, Heuertz also writes for Christianity Today. A book he co-authored with Christine Pohl, Friendship at the Margins: Discovering Mutuality in Service and Mission, will be released later this year by InterVarsity Press.
Heuertz is an ordained minister through the Association of Evangelical Churches and Ministries and serves as an adjunct professor at Lakeview Seminary in Chennai, India. He and his wife were awarded Asbury College’s Distinguished Young Alumni Award in 2005.