High schoolers invited to Preview Days

Northwestern College will host 10 Preview Days this school year to provide high school students with an introduction to the college. Preview Days are open to high school juniors and seniors and their parents, and are an excellent first step for students beginning their college search. The events will be held on Oct. 16, Oct. 26, Nov. 6, Nov. 16, Nov. 20, Dec. 7, Jan. 29, March 22, April 9 and April 19.

Preview Days begin with registration from 8:30 to 9 a.m. and conclude by 3 p.m. following individual appointments with professors and coaches. Students and their parents have the opportunity to attend chapel; tour the campus; eat lunch with a current student; attend a question-and-answer session with a panel of students; and learn more about academics, student life, campus ministries and financial aid.

Students attending the Monday Preview Days have the option of staying overnight in the residence halls on Sunday evening and attending Praise and Worship at 9 p.m.

Contact the admissions office at 712-707-7142, 1-800-747-4757 or admissions@nwciowa.edu for more information or to register. Registration is required three business days before the Preview Day.
