Homecoming to include road race
Friday, August 21, 2009
The registration fee is $10 in advance or $15 the day of the race. Community members are invited to participate. Runners and walkers can register online at www.nwciowa.edu/raiderroadrace, or by contacting the alumni office: 712-707-7134 or alumni@nwciowa.edu.
Registration forms are also available from Northwestern’s alumni office on the third floor of Zwemer Hall. In addition, participants can register the day of the race, beginning at 7:30 a.m.
The 5 kilometer run/walk will begin on the corner of 6th Street and Central Ave. SW, near Christ Chapel. Trophies will be awarded to the overall male and female winners, and medals will be given to the first and second place finishers of each gender in each age group.
All pre-registered racers will receive a Raider Road Race T-shirt, and door prizes will be available from local businesses.
The run/walk is sponsored by Northwestern College’s Alumni Association and Kinesiology Klub, Joiner Family Dentistry, Northwestern Bank, Orange City Area Health System, Stange Chiropractic and Van Engelenhoven Insurance Agency.