Musicians to celebrate the music of Haydn
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Symphonette will play movements from Haydn’s Symphony No. 6 The Morning, No. 45 Farewell and Toy Symphony. The Women’s Choir will perform the German Magnificat by Haydn’s brother Michael. The choir will be accompanied on this piece by MaryLou Wielenga, organ; Dr. Timothy McGarvey and Rachel Schultz, horn; and Eunice Paik and Morgan Weis, cello.
The Women’s Choir and Symponette will join to present movements from Handel oratorios that Haydn heard during two trips to London. They will perform Let’s Imitate Her Notes from Alexander’s Feast, Welcome Song from Jephtha and See the Conqu’ring Hero from Judas Maccabaeus.
Dr. Kimberly Utke Svanoe, professor of music, will perform Allegro from Haydn’s Piano Concerto in C with the chamber orchestra, comprised of Symphonette members and added wind instruments. The chamber strings will perform Haydn’s Quartet in C Major, Op. 9, No. 1 and the theme and variations movement from The Kaiserhymne Quartet, Op. 76 No. 3. Members of the chamber strings include Anna Christensen, violin; Alexandra Spreigl and Carrie Muilenburg, viola and Morgan Weis, cello.
Dr. Juyeon Kang, associate professor of music, will perform one of Haydn’s fantasias for solo keyboard, and adjunct flute instructor Sue De Haan will perform the third movement of Haydn’s Flute Trio No. 2 in G. Dr. Timothy McGarvey, professor of music, will also perform the Adagio movement from Haydn’s Horn Concerto in D Major.