Chapel speaker to address diversity
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Charles will speak in chapel on Monday, March 2, at 10:05 a.m. on “Diversity in the Body of Christ,” which will be an introduction to contextualized worship and the gifts of diversity. On Tuesday, March 3, at 11:05 a.m. Charles will share about his journey to contextualize Christian worship for the Navajo culture.
Half Navajo and half Dutch, Charles realized how important understanding his culture and heritage was to him in the years after leaving his home in Gallup, N.M., for college. In 2002, he moved his family back to the Navajo Nation to a one-room hogan, a traditional Navajo home, with no running water or electricity, six miles from the nearest paved road. Charles continued his computer consulting services via the Internet while he and his family lived for three years in the hogan.
“I hope to share with the students and faculty at Northwestern some of the vision and calling God has given to me to encourage the Christian church worldwide to embrace the discomfort that comes from diversity,” says Charles.