NWC team to aid Hurricane Ike survivors
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The team will be hosted by the United Methodist Church of Beaumont and work in Bridge City, population 8,500, which suffered the worst of Ike’s storm surge. Only 14 Bridge City homes were untouched by the hurricane. Many houses were filled with water—up to 12 feet in some cases.
Northwestern volunteers will take over where other relief teams leave off, primarily replacing damaged roofing, dry wall and flooring. They will be focused on serving people who are un- and underinsured and those who are disabled or elderly.
Northwestern College has sent hurricane relief teams to the Gulf Coast every semester break since 2005, when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.
This year’s Texas trip is being coordinated by Brittany Caffey, a 2006 graduate who is an AmeriCorps volunteer. Orange City residents participating in the trip include Deb Bomgaars, Shannon Heilman, and Mike and Sarah Kugler.