Author and historian to lead Minding Place workshops
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Author Jim Heynen and oral historian Charles Morrissey will lead workshops at
Heynen will lead “Writing in This Place” and Morrissey, director of presidential oral histories for Truman, Kennedy and Clinton, will lead “Oral History: Interviewing in This Place.”
Both workshops will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the
Visit or call 712-707-7100 to register by March 17. Registrants are not guaranteed a place in their preferred workshop; workshops may have waiting lists.
Born near
Morrissey began his oral history career when he was commissioned to record interviews with former White House staffers during the Truman administration. He has directed oral history projects for the John F. Kennedy Library and the U.S. Congress. Currently, he is an oral history consultant for the William J. Clinton
Minding Place will also include the college’s first Day of Learning in Community on Wednesday, April 9. Visitors are invited to join the campus community as author Kathleen Norris reads and comments on her best-selling book, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography.
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