Students to study abroad over summer

Four groups of Northwestern College students will travel and study overseas this summer. Each trip is connected with a class that has a different academic focus and is led by Northwestern faculty members.

With over 200 languages, a rich diversity and numerous theatres, London will be home to 20 study abroad participants from May 14–June 7. Theatres and world-famous museums are the focus for this program. The students will also have the opportunity to live with British families and experience life outside of London in Worcester, England. They will also visit the birthplace of Shakespeare, Stratford-Upon-Avon. Dr. Bob Hubbard and John Paul co-lead this program, which is now in its fourth run.

From June 28–July 29 in France, six Northwestern students will focus on how the environment influences culture and how human culture impacts the environment. Led by Dr. Laurie Furlong, this program will for the most part be in La Rochelle and will end with short stays in Amboise and Paris.

From July 1–31 in Quito, Ecuador, nine students will study Ecuadorian culture and the Spanish language. While the program is based in Quito, students will take short trips to the Amazon jungle; the cities of Otavalo, Baños and Puerto López; and the Isla de la Plata.

“I think it is going to be an incredible trip because of the variety of things that the students are going to encounter, including a service learning project in the Amazon jungle,” says faculty leader Rick Clark, who grew up in Ecuador as the son of missionaries.

While in Quito, students will live with host families and study at the Andean Studies Center.

The study abroad trip to India will be based in the cities of Bangalore, Vellore and Chennai from July 5–August 1. The program will consist of a variety of excursions to museums, temples and medical agencies, among other places. Students will be living with host families and in college housing.

This program will introduce five students to the people and culture of India. “One of the most significant goals of a course such as this is for students to have a greater appreciation and understanding of the diversity of human existence and to re-evaluate their own culture and identity,” says faculty leader Mark Vellinga.

Summer Study Abroad Coordinator Jill Fischer says the program has a great impact on students. “Many students come back with a very different perspective with regard to their individual place, the role of the United States in the world, and the presence of God in other cultures,” she says.

Summer study abroad courses fulfill Northwestern’s cross-cultural general education requirements.
