Class of 2020

Members of the Class of 2020 are ready to take Northwestern’s mission of courageous and faithful participation in God’s redeeming work into the world. We asked some of our standout students about their Raider Nation experience—what they learned, what they loved about it, and how they hope to lead lives of significance after college.

MORE AdebolaAdeyemo

Adebola Adeyemo

Lagos, Nigeria

MORE FaithAnderson

Faith Anderson

Bellflower, California

MORE RileyBennett

Riley Bennett

Valley Springs, South Dakota

MORE NatalieBlackman

Natalie Blackman

Colorado Springs, Colorado

MORE AlexaBoursiquot

Alexa Boursiquot

Jacmel, Haiti

MORE HeatherBruno

Heather Bruno

Ankeny, Iowa

MORE StedmonBryant

Stedmon Bryant

Corona, California

MORE CassidyBultena

Cassidy Bultena

Webster City, Iowa

MORE GeenaColbert

Geena Colbert

Spencer, Iowa

MORE KatrinaEngebretson

Katrina Engebretson

Le Mars, Iowa

MORE KorieneGallagher

Koriene Gallagher

Sioux Center, Iowa

MORE MelissaGoodenbour

Melissa Goodenbour

Bettendorf, Iowa

MORE StefanieGross

Stefanie Gross

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

MORE BreannaHarthoorn

Breanna Harthoorn

Norfolk, Nebraska

MORE CorrieHayes

Corrie Hayes

Fort Dodge, Iowa

MORE BenjaminHeinen

Benjamin Heinen

Des Moines, Iowa

MORE KayleeHenn

Kaylee Henn

Sioux City, Iowa

MORE KatieHerther

Katie Herther

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

MORE SophiaHolt

Sophia Holt

Omaha, Nebraska

MORE TylerHorkey

Tyler Horkey

Spencer, Iowa

MORE LizzyJohnston

Lizzy Johnston

Story City, Iowa

MORE KarmenKeltner

Karmen Keltner

Anamosa, Iowa

MORE AnselmoKim

Anselmo Kim

New Malden, United Kingdom

MORE BradleyLaackman

Bradley Laackman

Doon, Iowa

MORE CarolLi

Carol Li

Diamond Bar, California

MORE AlexanderLowry

Alexander Lowry

Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania

MORE SonyaMasters

Sonya Masters

Mapleton, Iowa

MORE ColinMcDowell

Colin McDowell

Poulsbo, Washington

MORE NicoleMetcalf

Nicole Metcalf

Moville, Iowa

MORE SarahMeyer

Sarah Meyer

Otley, Iowa

MORE KariMueller

Kari Mueller

Spirit Lake, Iowa

MORE TearranyNelson

Tearrany Nelson

Worthington, Minnesota

MORE AnnPater

Ann Pater

Pipestone, Minnesota

MORE GinaPaulsen

Gina Paulsen

Paullina, Iowa

MORE AllysonPettit

Allyson Pettit

Andover, Minnesota

MORE SureshPortillo

Suresh Portillo

Vallejo, California

MORE SeanPowell

Sean Powell

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

MORE JulieRenfro

Julie Renfro

Mediapolis, Iowa

MORE GrantRohrer

Grant Rohrer

Slayton, Minnesota

MORE TrevorRozeboom

Trevor Rozeboom

Rock Rapids, Iowa

MORE LucasSander

Lucas Sander

Newton, Iowa

MORE Breana Schuiteman

Breana  Schuiteman

Orange City, Iowa

MORE MarcieSienknecht

Marcie Sienknecht

Gladbrook, Iowa

MORE KateStaab

Kate Staab

Lincoln, Nebraska

MORE JoriSteenhoek

Jori Steenhoek

Grundy Center, Iowa

MORE MaKaylaTjernagel

MaKayla Tjernagel


MORE DevinVander Werff

Devin Vander Werff

Urbandale, Iowa

MORE EmmaVan Drie

Emma Van Drie

Minooka, Illinois

MORE MitchellVan Kalsbeek

Mitchell Van Kalsbeek

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

MORE DanaVan Ostrand

Dana Van Ostrand

Lincoln, Nebraska

MORE ElisonWagner

Elison Wagner

Columbus, Nebraska

MORE GrahamZomermaand

Graham Zomermaand

Sioux Center, Iowa

Mitchell Van Kalsbeek

Mitchell Van KalsbeekSioux Falls, South Dakota

Major: Biology-health professions

How would you describe your experience at Northwestern?
Northwestern offered me incredible opportunities through which I grew academically and spiritually. In the classroom, I engaged in activities that pushed me to gain a great understanding of the scientific mechanisms by which our world operates. We also engaged in conversations about morality, ethics and our roles as scientists who interact with creation. My experiences during Spring Service Partnerships opened my eyes to the immensity of the world we live in.

How have you changed or grown since coming to Northwestern?
I grew as a student, scientist and individual at Northwestern, where courageous learning and involvement in the world is highly valued. Professors challenged me to think critically about solutions to problems we face. I believe the support and guidance advisers and professors gave me have prepared me to pursue God’s redeeming world in the world. My professors not only prepared me with the proper skills and information to succeed in graduate school and in the workforce, but they also helped me develop my faith and worldview.

What’s next?
In the fall, I’ll begin studying at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine in Vermillion.
