Da Vinci Code forum

Thursday, Aug 31, 2006
7:30 PM
England Proscenium Theatre, Orange City, IA
The campus community is welcome and students will receive two chapel credits.  

Some issues to be discussed:

·   Did early Christians suppress alternative gospels, such as certain Gnostic gospels? 
·    Did Jesus marry Mary Magdalene?
·    Did a powerful group of Christians (the ‘orthodox’) suppress alternative groups (like those teaching the ‘divine feminine’)?
·    Was belief in the divinity of Christ ‘invented’ at the Council of Nicea?
·    Who are the Templars and what is the Holy Grail?
·    What genre is The Da Vinci Code?
·     Is the relation between fact/fiction appropriately expressed?
·     Are there current Catholic conspiracies to suppress unfavorable views within the Church?
·     What is Opus Dei?

Members of the panel:

·    Prof. John Vonder Bruegge, New Testament
·    Dr. John Brogan, New Testament / Vice President for Student Development
·    Dr.  Robert Winn, Church History
·    Dr. Joonna Trapp, Literature and Writing/Rhetoric
·    Father Douglas Klein, Pastor of Trinity Cluster Parishes, Rock Valley 
