Dr. Corwin Smidt, "The Changing Patterns of American Clerical Political Involvement: 1988-2004" (Van Peursem Hall 215)

Wednesday, Mar 22, 2006
7:00 PM
Van Peursem Hall 215, Orange City, IA
Dr. Dan Young, Professor of Political Science
712-707-7046, young@nwciowa.edu
Dr. Smidt, a Northwestern College alumnus, is the executive director of Calvin College's Paul Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics.

Dr. Smidt's talk, based on data collected from random surveys of clergy across seven different denominations, will seek to address the following questions:

1) the changing nature of theological orientation among such clergy over time - whether or not there is any increase or decrease in theological orthodoxy within such denominations over time
2) the extent to which there may be changes in the way theological orthodoxy is linked to political engagement among clergy, both on and off the pulpit
3) the changing nature of norms related to political engagement among clergy of such denominations
4) the changing level of political activity reported by clergy over time.

One chapel credit will be given to students who attend.

News release