World Premiere One Act Festival

Friday, Mar 24 - Saturday 25, 2006
6:00 PM
England Theatre, DeWitt Theatre Arts Center , Orange City, IA
Northwestern College students will present 12 new plays during the 11th annual World Premiere Festival March 24 and 25. Performances begin at 6 each night in the England Theatre of the DeWitt Theatre Arts Center. Community members are invited to attend the free event, and to come and go between performances.

Meeting Place,” by senior Nicky Dutt, is about an Indian arranged marriage. The play will be directed by freshman Brady Huffman and acted by Dutt’s brother, Deo, a freshman, and Anila Karunakar, who works in the college’s multicultural affairs office.

Sophomore Drew Vander Werff will direct senior Rachel Foulk’s play “Nimbus,” about matchmaking between friends. Sophomore Sarah Palsma and freshmen Carl Erickson and Tucker Schneider and will act in the production.

“Deepest Fear,” written by junior Elizabeth Grim and directed by Elsie Ellendorf, also a junior, will star sophomores Eugene Huck and Jean Yusten and freshman Hannah Sauerwein. The play is set in a psychiatrist’s office.

Senior Andy Keller wrote “The Duo,” about a comedy team audition. Junior Vaughn Donahue will direct senior Elizabeth Zurn, juniors Mary Elston and Mike Goll, and sophomore Steve Mahr.

Sophomores Sally Blezien and Brett Vander Berg will act in “Passion on Stony Mountain,” about romantic insight, by junior Mark Larson. Senior Melody Paynter will direct the show.

Larson will direct “The Suitcase,” by Kristen Olson-Jones, a senior. The comedy about theft and oversight stars seniors Micah Trapp, Ruth Umthun and Steve Wiltjer and freshmen Ben Bees and Sophie Eicher.

“The Great Tuna Debacle,” by Paynter, is also about matchmaking among friends. Actors in the comedy are seniors Nicole Pullaro, Tyler Simmelink and Kristin Woodyard; junior Tim Sprigg; sophomore Tracey Pronk; and freshman Adam Kerkes. They will be directed by senior Kah Edwards.

Pronk’s “Before it Breaks,” about divorce, will be directed by senior Ben Brownson. History professor Mike Kugler and sophomore Lindsay Westerkamp will play a father and daughter in the production.

Nicky Dutt will direct “Quaker Stake,” by Stephen Stonebraker, a sophomore. The story of a fugitive and a Quaker will be acted by freshman Margareta DeBoer and senior Steve Pike.

The criminal lifestyle is also a theme in “A One-Act Play” by Cori Tholo, a senior. Stonebraker and sophomore Marly Wooster play a brother and sister in the production. Sophomore Matt Hulstein also has a role.

Micah Trapp’s play “Karen’s Promise” is inspired by a true story of selfishness and sacrifice in a child custody situation. Tholo and freshman Samantha Olson play sisters-in-law in the drama. They will be directed by Amy Goodrich, who graduated from Northwestern’s theatre department in 2005.

“Becoming” by Westerkamp is about a cult culture of purity and evil. Foulks will direct Keller and senior Heather Sidey, who play a husband and wife in the drama.

For approximate start times of the world premiere one-acts, contact Kelly Van Marel, DeWitt Theatre Arts Center manager, 707-7341 or