Men's Basketball: Middle School Basketball Camp
When: July 10 - July 13Cost: From $255 to $295
Registration Fees:
All campers will receive high level instruction and a camp t-shirt. Fee for full-time campers is $295 (room and board included). Fee for commuters is $255 (noon and evening meals included).
Camp Daily Schedule:
8:45 - 11:00AM --> Fundamental Instruction
11:00 - 11:45AM --> Contests
1:15 - 3:15PM --> Fundamental Instruction
3:30 - 5:00PM --> Games
7:00 - 9:00PM --> Games
9:00 - 9:15PM --> Lectures
10:30PM --> Lights Out
- Commuters should arrive at 8:45AM each day.
- Lectures on basketball fundamentals and life will precede each instruction session.
- Guest lectures will also be presented.
- Individual skill development and team play will be emphasized.