Juntos: Together for a Better Community

Thursday, Jan 18, 2018
5:45 - 8:00 PM
Rowenhorst Student Center 4-court area

All area residents are welcome to this event, which has a primary focus of building relationships and exploring resources and needs to help Hispanics thrive in this community. The event is primarily for Latinos and the dominant language will be Spanish, but all community members are welcome and there will be English translators.

The event begins with a free meal in the 4-court area of the student center. It will be followed by a carnival for young kids; soccer and team-building workshops for older elementary, middle school and high school students; and discussions for adults. Some of the questions that will be explored during the discussion time include: What would or does make you and your family feel like you belong? What day-to-day barriers make it challenging for you and your family to flourish? What can we work on together? Then there will be a time for small-group discussions about specific community resources, on topics such as education, childcare, translation services and transportation.
