Opening Convocation: Dr. Mark Husbands, vice president for academic affairs
Dr. Mark Husbands leads Northwestern's academic program, working with faculty to advance academic quality and student learning. He also oversees the library, graduate and adult studies, computing services, audiovisual services, academic support and the registrar′s office.
Prior to joining Northwestern′s administration, Husbands was the Leonard and Marjorie Maas Chair of Reformed Theology and director of the Emmaus Scholars Program at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. He also taught theology for six years at Wheaton College in Illinois, where he oversaw undergraduate research in developing nations, led an annual theology conference, and helped design a pre-orientation experiential education program. Other teaching and administrative experience includes two years at Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where he taught theology and directed its extension education and summer school.
Husbands earned doctoral and master′s degrees in theology from the University of Toronto and completed his undergraduate education at Toronto′s York University. He has edited seven books and published 23 articles and chapters. A sought-after guest lecturer, he serves on the Reformed Church in America′s Commission on Theology and is a board member of 3Sixty, a Christian community development organization.