Rev. Chuck DeGroat

Tuesday, Oct 4, 2016
11:05 - 11:55 AM
Christ Chapel
Tanya Vaas, Campus Ministry Administrative Assistant

Chuck DeGroat is Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling and Senior Fellow of the Newbigin House of Studies at Western Theological Seminary. Chuck is committed to spiritual and emotional formation for the sake of mission.  His experience is represented in a fluid combination of pastoral ministry and seminary training for nearly 20 years.  He has served several church plants as a teaching pastor and has started two church-based clinical counseling centers.  Most recently, he was a teaching pastor at City Church San Francisco, where he co-founded Newbigin House of Studies, an urban and missional training center with M.Div. and M.A. offerings through Western Theological Seminary.

His academic specialization is in the intersection of psychology and the Bible, represented best in his book Leaving Egypt: Finding God in the Wilderness Places (Square Inch) – a narrative biblical paradigm for understanding counseling, care, mission, and formation.  His next book, The Toughest People to Love (Eerdmans) focuses on caring for the most difficult people leaders encounter. Wholeheartedness (Eermans) is due out soon. He is an ordained minister in the Reformed Church in America and he holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology. He has been married to Sara for over 20 years and has two daughters – Emma and Maggie.
