Deep Song Reading Series: Katherine Manning

Monday, Feb 27, 2012
8:00 PM
Te Paske Gallery, Orange City, IA
Katherine Manning is editor-in-chief of Rougarou: An Online Literary Journal and a doctoral fellow in English at UL-Lafayette. Her writing has been published in New Letters, PANK, The Pedestal Magazine, Poet Lore, and So to Speak, among other journals and anthologies, and she is the 2011 winner of The Nassau Review's Author Award for Poetry.

Some of Manning's work aims to scrutinize fairy tales and attempts to give voices to characters that have long gone without one. She takes a similiar approach to biblical narratives by seeking out or creating backstories for characters in the Bible. Manning also mixes in her interest in feminist theory by expanding on mother figures, issues of motherhood and furthering insight into women's lives.