Deep Song Reading Series: Elaine Cooper & Nicole Baart, Christian historical romance

Friday, Sep 9, 2011
7:00 - 8:00 PM
Te Paske Gallery/Korver Visual Arts Center, Orange City, IA
Elaine Cooper's debut novel, The Road to Deer Run, was a finalist in the 2011 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, received an honorable mention in the 2011 Los Angeles Book Festival, and was a Clash of the Titles champion for Most Romantic Moment. Her debut novel also received praise from reviewers, including this from Kirkus Discoveries Reviews: “With subplots as appealing as the main story, the book is well researched, well written, and well worth the purchase price. Ready for the sequel.” The sequel, The Promise of Deer Run, has just been released. A registered nurse, Cooper has been a magazine freelance writer for many years and is a regular contributor to several blogs for writers.

Nicole Baart is the critically acclaimed author of After the Leaves Fall, Summer Snow (a 2009 Christy Award finalist), The Moment Between, and Beneath the Night Tree. She writes literary, hope-filled fiction about beauty in brokenness. Nicole lives in Sioux Center, Iowa, with her husband and three young sons. She is passionate about global issues and is a founding member of One Body One Hope, a nonprofit organization that works alongside an orphanage in Monrovia, Liberia.

Readings are free and open to the public.