Deep Song Reading Series, Kali VanBaale

Monday, Apr 19, 2010
7:00 PM
Te Paske Gallery, Orange City, IA
Born and raised on a dairy farm in rural southern Iowa, Kali VanBaale’s debut novel, The Space Between (River City Publishing, 2006) earned a 2007 American Book Award, the 2007 Independent Publisher’s silver medal for general fiction, the 2007 Iowa Reader Literary Award for Fiction and the 2006 Fred Bonnie Memorial First Novelist Award. Her short stories and essays have appeared in the anthologies A Cup of Comfort for Adoptive Families, Voices of Alzheimer’s and Voices of Caregivers. She is polishing her second novel, Mercy Road, and at work on a third novel.

This reading will be held in the Te Paske Gallery in the Korver Visual Arts Center. It is a free event and is open to the public.

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