Deep Song Reading Series, Tim Bascom

Monday, Sep 28, 2009
6:00 PM
Te Paske Gallery, Orange City, IA
Tim Bascom’s memoir Chameleon Days, about his early childhood in Ethiopia as the son of missionaries, was published by Mariner Books in June 2006, after winning the Bakeless Literary Prize from Breadloaf Writing Conference. Bascom writes often about the intersection between religion and culture, and his essays have won editor’s prizes from The Missouri Review and The Florida Review, as well as being selected for Best American Travel Writing and Best Creative Nonfiction. He has published a novel, Squatters’ Rites (New Day Press, Philippines), and a collection of essays, The Comfort Trap: Spiritual Dangers of a Convenience Culture (InterVarsity Press, Chicago). Today, he lives in Des Moines, Iowa, and teaches at Drake University.

This reading will be held in the Te Paske Gallery in the Korver Visual Arts Center. It is a free event and is open to the public.