The American Constitution: Godly or Godless?

Thursday, Sep 17, 2009
7:00 - 8:00 PM
VPH 301, Orange City, IA
In conjunction with the 222nd anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, all interested individuals are invited to come and discuss the most important ways that religion influenced—if at all—the drafting of our national charter. 

Facilitator: J. VanDerWerff, Associate Professor of Political Science

A couple things to think about and/or do before we gather—

· What if you came across two fellow students engaged in the following argument? One declares that “America was founded as a Christian nation, and its Constitution was written by Christians seeking to apply Christian principles to government.” The other insists that “most of the Constitution’s framers were Deists, and they demanded a separation of church and state because they wanted to keep religion out of the public square.” Both students want to know your opinion on the matter. What do you say?

· Take a moment to read/peruse the U.S. Constitution with an eye towards identifying any and all religious references (i.e., mentions of God, faith, etc.), explicit or otherwise. You should primarily focus on the unamended or original draft of the Constitution.