World Premiere Festival

Friday, Mar 26 - Saturday 27, 2010
7:00 PM
England Theatre, Orange City, IA

FREE; seating is first-come, first-served.
Audience members may come and go between shows.

Hearts in the Library
by Susan Schoenrock; directed by Anna Pitney
How do you meet someone you’re attracted to? Awkward. 

Failure to Fall
by Rebecca Dix; directed by Greta Hays
For artists, there's an art to failing.

A Moment in Darkness
by Nick Rohlf; directed by Andrew Stam
Who is God, really, compared with who we think God is?

Chance Encounter
by Anna Pitney; directed by Sara Chipman
A divorced waitress and divorce lawyer defend love lost.

Changing Love
by Renee Ausborn; directed by Baylie Heims
Can you trust God with your soulmate?

by Yuika Ida; directed by Rebecca Dix
A soldier surrenders to serving his country: Japan during WWII.

To Catch a Fish
by Aleah Stenberg; directed by Kristin Trease
A father and son fish in troubled waters.

The Perfect Picture
by Dan Laird; directed by Keely Wright
In a masked community, what happens when one member drops the pretense?
