Season of Justice

Monday, Mar 31 - Saturday, April 5, 2008
Orange City, IA

Monday, March 31

Silent art auction in the Hub
IJM Chapel, 10:05 a.m.
Poverty simulation at the caf

Challenge for the day: Conserve water and don't waste food.

Tuesday, April 1

Silent art auction in the Hub
Justin McRoberts in chapel
, 11:05 a.m.
Justin McRoberts in concert, 8 p.m., the Hub
D-Group Bible studies,
10 p.m.

Challenge for the day: Read international news.

Wednesday, April 2

Silent art auction in the Hub
24-hour prayer vigil (for more information, contact Belinda at

Challenge for the day: Conserve energy by shutting all lights off in unused rooms and unplugging all appliances that aren't in use.


Thursday, April 3

Silent art auction in the Hub
Movie: Trade, 9 p.m., VPH 313; discussion to follow

Challenge for the day: Write your representatives.


Friday, April 4

Silent art auction in the Hub; ends at 11 p.m.
Illegal land (room) seizure simulation

Challenge for day: Meet someone you don't know.


Saturday, April 5

Winners of the silent art auction will be notified today.

Challenge for the weekend: Don't drive and/or shop.
