World Premiere Festival

Saturday, Mar 29, 2008
6:00 PM
England Theatre, Orange City, IA

Enjoy 13 new student-written one acts at the 13th annual World Premiere Festival. The shows are free; seating is first-come, first-served.

6 p.m., Eye of the Beholder
by Ben Bees, directed by Vaughn Donahue
... an artist learns to see beyond what's in sight

6:17, Soft
by Brady Greer Huffman, directed by Jean Punt
... about taking friendship to romance

6:39, Painful Experiences
by Jean Punt, directed by Amanda Bracklein
... lessons learned through physical pain

6:57, I Think I Know You
by Hannah Lois Marielle Sauerwein, directed by Sarah Dee Hollibaugh
... the frustration of art and relationships

7:12, Last Call
by Margareta DeBoer, directed by Hannah McBride
... romance and untimely bathroom breaks

7:29, Love is Like Falling
by Sarah Dee Hollibaugh, directed by Jean Punt
... when feminism and marriage collide

7:52, Experimentation on Predestined Orientation
and the Fixing of Neurohormones in Sheep
by Amanda June Bracklein, directed by Drew David Van Der Werff
... a mother overhears a conversation between her son and his boyfriend

8:22, Dirtier
by Josh Doorenbos, directed by Baylie Heims
... a wife responds to her husband's revelation about an addiction

8:36, For the Love of Richard Simmons
by Britta Kaltenbah, directed by Kelly Holtom
... she wonders if he is gay; he wonders when she will stop thinking of him as just a friend

9:01, Hot Air Balloons, Hemlock and Howard
by Kelly Holtom, directed by Libby Burkitt
... old age and lost dreams

9:26, Tortellini Carbanara
by Matt Hulstein, directed by Brady Greer Huffman
... stood up by his date, Mark meets Angie, a pregnant waitress

9:41, Shattered to Roses
by Cody Raak, directed by Marit Langley
... a conversation between a musician and his girlfriend, who has a choice to make

10:03, Reheat
by Cody Bauer, directed by Jon Manchester
... Claire, who's pregnant, is looking for a readymade husband
