
Monogrammed Towel Set

Monogrammed Towel Set

This lovely woven basket contains 3 large, soft 100% cotton black bath towels which are monogrammed in red with Northwestern College. Also included are three soft monogrammed 100% cotton black washcloths.

Restrictions: Embroidery compliments of L&M Enterprises in Alton.

This item is available in the audible auction.

  • Donated by
  • NWC Business Office, Orange City, IA
  • L & M , Alton, IA
  • How to bid
  • You can bid on this item at the Scholarship Auction on Saturday, FEB. 9, 2019. The silent auction and buy-it-now starts at 9 a.m. and the first section closes at 9:45. The audible auction starts at 11 a.m.

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