Posts by Crystal Rozeboom
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All too often, we face life looking forward or looking backward. We forget about the moment that we are in.
I remember as a new mom, looking forward to having my children develop and grow because I was excited to see them enter the next phase or leave that ugly phase of something like teething or potty training! What I often had to tell myself is to just enjoy the moment that is right in front of you today. I had so many people tell me that it would go by fast and that I would want those days back. Guess what? They were right. Now that I have one in college, two in high school, and one in elementary, I find myself thinking about how quickly life has changed and that it went by way too fast!
I have found that as I grow older, that I need to find joy in each day and enjoy the moments that are right in front of me. It’s not always easy; because let’s face it, some days are just not worth repeating! However, remember that God has a purpose for trials and joys we face. It’s not always clear at the time, but we are learning and growing in our faith.
I lost my mother-in-law and three grandparents all within a span of two years. Each one of them had a special place in my heart and always took the time to enjoy the people that they were with each day. They had a wonderful way of listening and being focused on the conversation with those around them. Too often our schedules and technology distract us. Perhaps we could learn how to seek out time like this? After all, how do you want to be remembered? As someone who was always appears stressed and on a tight schedule or as someone who took the time to enjoy the people around them?
Whether you are looking forward to a vacation, being done with classes, or even the end of this day; take the time to reflect and find the blessings and joy you encountered today. It might have been a smile from a student or patient, a phone call from a friend, or a hug from your child or spouse. Treasure those moments and thank God that it was part of your day. The more you seek out these moments, the more joy fills your heart and you will soon find yourself filled with blessings each day.
Rejoice in each day of life - and choose joy.
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I’m excited to write my first blog for NWC! What’s even more exciting is that I can write this about a fun topic that we all enjoy – FOOD!!
My goal in this particular blog is to give you some helpful hints in trying to manage your family schedule, homework, household chores, etc. while feeding your family. I know that there are some weeks it seems I especially fail, so don’t feel that this is by any means the best method. Make sure you give yourself some grace!
So how do I figure out what meals to make and when? Well, there are a couple of methods I use:
- Look in your cupboards and freezer to see what should get eaten or has been sitting there for awhile. If it’s not expired, determine what you can make with it. You can do this by looking for recipes that contain a few of your ingredients. One of the best websites I have found for this is
- Take out one of your cookbooks each month and view recipes you think your family might like. Lay them out on a calendar according to your schedule. Make sure you write down any ingredients you might need for your next shopping trip to the grocery store.
- Once a month sit down and plan your meals according to the family’s schedule. Make sure to assign crockpot meals for those nights you are super busy! Also, build in some leftover days. Make sure you take advantage of tailgates and fundraising meals at various churches, schools, and other community events! It’s a great way to ease the stress and mess!
- Look at Pinterest for Meal Planning tips and tricks. Find one that best suits your family, food preferences, and lifestyle.
- Cook some meals with friends! I love to get together with a group of friends and set aside a day to make meals! You can also participate in meal exchanges too!
Ultimately, you need to do what works for you and your family’s lifestyle. No matter what or when you eat, I would encourage you to enjoy your family meals together! Ask each other about your day.
Remember some of the fondest memories are made around the table together!

Meet the Author
Crystal is the senior enrollment counselor for the Graduate School and Adult Learning. She works especially with our Master of Ed. students in preparing to begin the program, advising on classes and registration, and walking alongside as they progress to graduation. She also completed her MBA online all while balancing work, family, and life commitments.
When Crystal is not helping students register for classes or building programs of study, you might find her training for a half-marathon, cheering on her kid's sporting events, volunteering at church or cooking meals with friends.