Earning a graduate degree doesn't have to cost you time away from your other responsibilities. Northwestern College's online Masters in Teacher Leadership means you can log into class each week to complete your coursework, whenever it's most convenient for you.
Take one online 8-week class at a time, completing two classes each semester, and you'll finish your M.Ed. in 2 years or less and be eligible for financial aid.
Core (18 credits):
EDU 555 - Trends and Issues in 21st Century Education (3 credits)
(3 credits) Teachers and schools must continually examine current
practices in PreK-12 education in search of better solutions to increase
achievement and to thoroughly prepare children for the world in which
they will live and work. In this course students will study current
social, political and academic trends and issues affecting children,
teachers and schools. Students will define their personal positions
based on facts and experience, and will collaborate with others to
advocate for solutions that improve education for PreK-12 grade students.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 560 - Curriculum and Assessment for Student Learning (3 credits)
Through a process of discussion, reflection, reading, discovery and practice, this course will lead students to a more comprehensive understanding of how curriculum and assessment are interrelated. Students will delve into timely issues associated with curriculum and assessment affecting schools. Upon completion, students will be prepared to develop aligned curriculum and assessment that takes into consideration local, state and national standards, best practices and students' diverse needs.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education. (3 credits)
EDU 570 - Teaching and Learning with Technology (3 credits)
(3 credits) Technology integration in the K-12 setting can enhance
learning, improve motivation and engagement, increase accessibility,
individualize instruction, differentiate assessment and improve
communication with parents and stakeholders. In this course students
will broaden their understanding of the technology available to them in
the PreK-12 classroom and improve their ability to leverage specific
technology to improve teaching and learning.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 610 - Educational Research Methods and Design (3 credits)
(3 credits) This course will provide an overview of research methodology
employed for studies in the field of education. Topics include basic
research methodology, interpretation of findings, and application of
research in educational settings. Students will develop their ability to
critically evaluate educational research and to judiciously apply
findings in their professional settings. By the conclusion of the course
students will be able to identify a potential topic for future research
and outline the basic methodology needed to conduct the study.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 635 - Master’s in Education Capstone (3 credits)
(3 credits) In this course students will apply the cumulative knowledge and
skills learned in their master's program. The research focus may be related to student learning, teacher effectiveness,
school quality, school policy, or other area by approval. The project will be
proposed, approved, designed, and implemented prior to the
student's graduation with a master's degree in education from Northwestern
College. Students who do not have a finished capstone approved by the
M.Ed. Director at the conclusion of EDU635 will repeat the
course for credit.
Prerequisite: EDU610.
Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis.
Choose one:
EDU 540 - Teaching Young Children with Diverse Needs (3 credits)
(3 credits) Students will learn to design curriculum, instruction and
specific to the needs of diverse children ages 0 through 8. Create safe
and nurturing classroom environments that are developmentally appropriate
and respect diversity. Collaborate with stakeholders to meet the needs
of young children.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 565 - Instructional Strategies for Diverse Students and Settings (3 credits)
(3 credits) This course is intended for experienced teachers, and will
focus on
building off of prior knowledge and experience to improve student
learning. Research-based instructional strategies will be studied, with
particular emphasis on adapting and employing strategies to fit students'
cognitive abilities, motivation, interest, cultural background and other
unique characteristics in diverse settings. Students in this class will
apply new instructional strategies in their practice to positively impact
learning in the PreK-12 classroom.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
Teacher Leadership Emphasis (12 credits):
EDU 615 - Peer Assessment and Instructional Coaching (3 credits)
3 credits) Instructional coaches are on-site professional developers
who teach educators how to use proven instructional methods. To be
successful in this role, coaches must be skilled in a variety of roles,
including public relations guru, communicator extraordinaire, conflict
resolver, master organizer and expert educator. In this course students
will study factors related to professional learning and hone their
ability to improve academic outcomes for students through supportive peer
coaching relationships.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 620 - Professional Learning Communities for School Improvement (3 credits)
(3 credits) Learn to use professional learning communities to unify
teachers and administrators around a shared vision for student and school
growth. This course will equip you to form a PLC, evaluate baseline
data, create a plan, and develop professional development to prepare
teachers to implement the plan.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 625 - Teacher as Leader (3 credits)
3 credits) This course prepares participants to transition from
classroom teachers to teacher leaders within their school and district.
Through the lens of practical application, students will examine
effective leadership theory, the culture of their setting, and their
personal strengths and needs to leverage leadership that will drive
positive change.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 630 - Technology Coaching and Leadership (3 credits)
(3 credits) Use the constructs of adult learning and professional
learning communities to develop a coaching relationship with peer
teachers that will support their integrated use of technology to improve
student and school outcomes.
Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
Total Credits: 30 credit hours