M.Ed. Teaching History

Next Start: March 12

Cost per credit: $360

credits 33  |  completion 2 years (5 to 6 semesters)  

Earn your M.Ed. in Teaching History online and prepare for opportunities to teach college-level history courses as dual/concurrent enrollment or with a community college. You teach your students to explore the relevance of history and to see the relationship between past and present. You guide them to look for patterns, complexities, context, and how to evaluate and trust sources. Now it's time for you to deepen your content knowledge and hone your craft of teaching history to K-12 or community college students. With Northwestern College's online Masters in Teaching History, build on what you already know to become an even better teacher. 

It's more than a lane change. And it's all online. 

100% online. 8-week courses. 

Earning a graduate degree doesn't have to cost you time away from your other responsibilities. Northwestern College's online Masters in Teaching History allows you to log into class each week to complete your coursework, whenever it's most convenient for you.

Take one online 8-week class at a time, completing two classes each semester, and you'll finish your M.Ed. in 2 years or less and be eligible for financial aid. 

18 Credits in History

This M.Ed. program includes 18 graduate credits in history, which meets most regional accreditor and department of education requirements to teach history courses as dual/concurrent enrollment, Postsecondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) or community college setting. The program allow you to explore your own historical topic and time period interests, and develop new ways to make history more relevant for your students.

If you want to complete only the 18 credits in history or already hold a master's degree in education, you may choose the Graduate Certificate in Teaching HistoryHere's how. 

Master of Education in Teaching History students must have an endorsement in history or social studies for acceptance or receive prior approval from the M.Ed. department chair for admission.

Program Requirements



Core (15 credits):
EDU 555 - Trends and Issues in 21st Century Education (3 credits)
(3 credits) Teachers and schools must continually examine currentpractices in PreK-12 education in search of better solutions to increasestudentachievement and to thoroughly prepare children for the world in whichthey will live and work. In this course students will study currentsocial, political and academic trends and issues affecting children,teachers and schools. Students will define their personal positionsbased on facts and experience, and will collaborate with others toadvocate for solutions that improve education for PreK-12 grade students. Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 565 - Instructional Strategies for Diverse Students and Settings (3 credits)
(3 credits) This course is intended for experienced teachers, and willfocus onbuilding off of prior knowledge and experience to improve studentlearning. Research-based instructional strategies will be studied, withparticular emphasis on adapting and employing strategies to fit students'cognitive abilities, motivation, interest, cultural background and otherunique characteristics in diverse settings. Students in this class willapply new instructional strategies in their practice to positively impactlearning in the PreK-12 classroom. Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
EDU 570 - Teaching and Learning with Technology (3 credits)
(3 credits) Technology integration in the K-12 setting can enhancelearning, improve motivation and engagement, increase accessibility,individualize instruction, differentiate assessment and improvecommunication with parents and stakeholders. In this course studentswill broaden their understanding of the technology available to them inthe PreK-12 classroom and improve their ability to leverage specifictechnology to improve teaching and learning. Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
HIS 610 - Historical Research and Methodologies (3 credits)
The English word "history" comes from the Greek word historia, which means"inquiry." This course is an overview of the historical method in researchand teaching historical inquiry in a classroom setting. This course willprovide an overview of historical research and investigate the bestpractices of historical inquiry in a variety of classroom settings. Topicsinclude historical questions and historiography, finding appropriate andtrustworthy sources of primary and secondary evidence, analysis of evidence,and ways to implement historical research skills in the K-12 classroomsetting. Students will develop their ability to critically evaluatehistorical research and to judiciously apply findings in their professionalsettings. By the conclusion of the course students will be able to identifya potential topic for future research and outline the basic methodologyneeded to conduct the study. Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree ineducation. (3 credits)
EDU 610 - Educational Research Methods and Design (3 credits)
(3 credits) This course will provide an overview of research methodologyemployed for studies in the field of education. Topics include basicresearch methodology, interpretation of findings, and application ofresearch in educational settings. Students will develop their ability tocritically evaluate educational research and to judiciously applyfindings in their professional settings. By the conclusion of the coursestudents will be able to identify a potential topic for future researchand outline the basic methodology needed to conduct the study. Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education.
HIS 635 - Master's in Education History Capstone (3credits)
The English word "history" comes from the Greek word "historia," which means "inquiry." This course gives students the opportunity to apply the cumulative knowledge and skills of historical inquiry learned in the masters' program by writing and presenting an original historical argument supported by primary document and secondary research. The project will be proposed, approved, designed, and presented prior to the students' graduation with a masters degree in education from Northwestern College.Prerequisite: HIS610. (3 credits)
EDU 635 - Master’s in Education Capstone (3 credits)
(3 credits) In this course students will apply the cumulative knowledge andskills learned in their master's program. The research focus may be related to student learning, teacher effectiveness,school quality, school policy, or other area by approval. The project will beproposed, approved, designed, and implemented prior to thestudent's graduation with a master's degree in education from NorthwesternCollege. Students who do not have a finished capstone approved by theM.Ed. Director at the conclusion of EDU635 will repeat thecourse for credit. Prerequisite: EDU610.Note: Graded on a pass/no pass basis.

Teaching History Emphasis (18 credits):

Choose six:
HIS 500 - Play, Games and Athletics: The History of Sport in America (3 credits)
This course explores perceptions of sport and how sport has changed, with afocus on race, gender, class and ethnicity. We will examine the history ofsport in the United States from the colonial period to the present. We willconsider how sports reflected and often shaped ideas about race, gender,ethnicity, class, amateurism, professionalization, international politicsand governmental policies and laws. The class will focus on the ways thatChristians perceived and embraced certain forms of sport and the ways thatChristians influenced sport and were influenced by sport. In addition, thecourse traces the development of sports, investigate the ways in whichspontaneous games played by Americans in the eighteenth and nineteenthcenturies evolved into highly formalized and popular activities that nowcomprise a multi-billion dollar industry. Prerequisite: completed bachelor'sdegree in education. (3 credits)
HIS 510 - Magic, Science, and Religion in the Middle Ages (3 credits)
[The Wolfsthurn Handbook] ?recommends taking the leaves of a particularplant as a remedy for "fever of all sorts"; this in itself would count asscience, or as folk medicine, rather than magic. Before using these leaves,one is supposed to write certain Latin words on them to invoke the power ofthe Holy Trinity...; this in itself would count as religion. There is noscientific or religious reason, however, for repeating this procedure beforesunrise on three consecutive mornings. By adding this requirement, the[medieval] author enhances the power of science and religion with that ofmagic."This course explores two interconnected historical problems: (1) the natureof magic as a theoretical and practical world view that was dominant in thepre-modern Mediterranean world and Europe, and (2) the origin anddevelopment of science from ancient and medieval natural philosophy. Boththe history of magic and the history of science must be understood intandem. A historical treatment of the origin of modern science at the end ofthe Middle Ages that does not discuss medieval magic would be incomplete;similarly, it would be impossible to discuss medieval magic without alsodiscussing medieval natural philosophy (i.e. what we would call todayscience).Further, both of these phenomena are inseparable from religion, andconsequently the course also attends carefully to how the Christian churchresponded to both magic and science. Prerequisite: completed bachelor'sdegree in education. (3 credits)
HIS 520 - By The Bomb’s Early Light: The Atomic Bomb and Nuclear Culture in America (3 credits)
Despite some recent progress toward disarmament, we still exist in a worldin which two nations, each possessing thousands of nuclear warheads, havethe capacity to destroy all of the planet's major cities, not to mentionmuch of the territory in between, many times over. At least seven othernations have control of sufficient nuclear explosives to utterly destroytheir immediate neighbors.1 This course explores how this situation cameabout and how perceptions of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy havechanged. The course focuses on scientific culture, American culture duringthe Cold War, religious responses to the bomb, and the broader implicationsof nuclear weapons and nuclear energy.We will examine how atomic energy was first conceived and how it waseventually harnessed. This new source of destructive power decisivelychanged the socio-political role of the physicist, altered the nature ofwar, and introduced global suicide as strategic policy. The focus of theclass will be to think about the network and recourses necessary to producea technical object like the atom bomb, as well as the socio-cultural impactof the introduction of a new technology. Prerequisite: completed bachelor'sdegree in education. (3 credits)
HIS 530 - Historical Tales Without a Historian: Novels, Movies, and Comic Books (3 credits)
This course concentrates on the most popular forms of historical narrativeoutside the classroom: novels, movies, and comic books. How do artistsrecall, organize, and perhaps mostimportantly, make relevant to us today, various pasts stories? For teachersas well as students, movies, novels and comic books make big impressions.Through carefully selected examples of each students will learn howhistorical narrative works, about distinctive genres of historical narrative(the Western, combat, dystopian stories) make a particular past seemrelevant, and how to think historically about such stories. We'll concludethe class by considering conspiracy theories as particular and fascinatingforms of historical storytelling. Overall, we will work on thinkingcarefully and well about popular culture's various takes on the past, andfinding some ways to help our students do so. Prerequisite: completedbachelor's degree in education. (3 credits)
HIS 540 - European History and Politics Since 1945 (3 credits)
This course examines major political issues in Europe since 1945. Topicscovered include the emergence of a politically divided Europe, ideologicaldebates in post-war European politics, the project of European integration,the breakup of the communist bloc and its aftermath, religion and Europeanpolitics, and current issues in Europe. Prerequisite: completed bachelor'sdegree in education. (3 credits)
HIS 550 - That Godless Court? The Supreme Court and Religious Issues in the United States (3 credits)
This course provides an introduction to some of the key Constitutionalissues swirling around the first sixteen words of the First Amendment: thereligion clause (or in the estimation of some the two religion clauses).Consequently, to begin the semester we will spend a fair amount of timereading about the founding fathers and their view(s) of religious liberty aswell as read some of what these framers wrote themselves about thischerished freedom. We will also consider how this historical background andcontext informs various church-state stances today as well as briefly reviewthe basic procedures and principles of the Supreme Court. Having set thebroad boundaries of our examination, we will then look more closely at thekey Supreme Court cases that have largely defined our current understandingof both the Free Exercise and Establishment clauses. Prerequisite: completedbachelor's degree in education. (3 credits)
HIS 590 - Special Topics in History (3 credits)
Special topics courses explore a narrow focus area within the discipline ofhistory. Students are allowed to register for this course more than once.Prerequisite: completed bachelor's degree in education. (1-3 credits)

Total Credits: 33 credit hours

Passion for Education

Rebecca is a K-12 literacy coach who loves the challenge of instructional coaching and learning new literacy strategies that support her students and other teachers. Through her M.Ed. program, she has gained not only educational resources, but a deepened passion for education.

Rebecca's story

With an online M.Ed. + endorsement program, Brandie was able to earn the credential she needed along with a master’s degree. What she didn’t realize was just how impactful the program would be on her teaching and life.

Brandie's story

Levi Letsche, M.Ed. Educational Administration Northwestern College, Teacher of the Year Finalist

Top Teacher

As one of five finalists for Iowa's 2023 Teacher of the Year, Levi has been recognized for his teaching excellence. As an instructional coach, he is striving to help others learn how to live a life of excellence—and succeeding. His M.Ed. in Educational Administration has equipped him to use his influence in new leadership roles.

Levi's story
