Adult and Graduate Studies News

Northwestern College has received official approval to offer a master’s degree in athletic training from the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education.

Northwestern College’s master’s degree program in physician assistant studies has received the green light college officials were waiting for: accreditation-provisional, which is the initial accreditation status for new programs.

Northwestern College welcomed 10 new full-time faculty members with the start of classes this fall.

Northwestern College will host a Leadership in Education Conference on Monday, Oct. 14, with a focus on creating a collaborative culture for teaching and learning.

Northwestern College is starting a Master of Science degree program in athletic training and expects to enroll the first cohort of 15 students in May 2020.

Three Northwestern College professors have been awarded tenure and promotions, effective this fall.

Northwestern College will award degrees to 302 students during its annual commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 11.

Northwestern College’s online Master of Education degree in early childhood has been ranked among the nation’s best and named “most flexible” of programs of its kind by

Northwestern College’s online RN to BSN program has been ranked among the nation’s top-25 programs of its kind by

Northwestern College’s nursing program has been ranked among the nation’s top 15 percent as well as 38th out of the best 75 in the Plains region by
