Center360: Past & Future Insights Webinar

Choose from two options:
Tuesday, February 13
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CST


Thursday, February 15
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. CST

Cost: Free
Can't attend either of these events? A recording will be available to watch on demand. Register for one of the events and we'll send you a link to watch the recording when it's available.


Since the initial conversations about the Center for Innovation & Leadership occurred in 2019, many of you may not have heard an update for quite some time. As the demands of today’s workforce and society have evolved, so have the opportunities for the Center for Innovation & Leadership. These opportunities have allowed an extension beyond the five initial launch programs to include more actively nurturing the next generation of leaders and the creation of lifelong learning options. The common theme across leadership and innovation is that providing collaboration fosters the creation of lifelong learning options and service to our region’s organizations and communities.

Join one of our upcoming webinars to hear more about the past and future insights from Dr. Erica Vonk, Director of the Center for Innovation & Leadership. During this interactive webinar, attendees will benefit from:

  • Develop an understanding the original purpose and design of the Center for Innovation & Leadership
  • Hear past insights from the original five launch programs
  • Learn about findings and opportunities for the present and future
  • Discover ways you and your organization can partner with the Center for Innovation & Leadership
  • Engage in a live Q&A with Dr. Vonk for any other questions or personal insights to share with us!