Northwestern's early childhood education degrees receive top rankings

Early childhood educator and studentNorthwestern College’s programs in early childhood education have received top national rankings from

The website ranks Northwestern’s Bachelor of Arts in early childhood education program second on its list of the nation’s Top 49 Early Childhood Education Degree Programs. The highest-ranked Iowa college on the list, Northwestern was also rated the best online program.

Additionally, ranks Northwestern’s Master of Education degree in early childhood education sixth on its list of the Top 50 Master’s in Early Childhood Education Degree Programs. The only Iowa college or university to be ranked, Northwestern was cited as the best self-paced option.

The rankings are based on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation and post-graduate employment. More than 2,275 colleges and universities were assessed by the website, which seeks to provide unbiased research to help students make informed higher education decisions.

“We’re excited that the quality of Northwestern’s early education degree programs has again been recognized nationally,” says Gary Richardson, director of Northwestern’s Master of Education program and co-chair of the college’s education department. “The standout work done by content experts and professors in the education department is validated through these rankings.”

Northwestern’s bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in early childhood education are both offered completely online. In addition to a master’s in early childhood, Northwestern offers M.Ed. degrees in educational administration, master teacher, special education, teacher leadership, and teaching history. Graduate-level endorsements and certificates are also available online. More information about Northwestern’s online graduate and adult learning is available at

Study education at Northwestern

Northwestern offers bachelor's degrees in elementary and secondary education as well as an online Master of Education degree. Our program emphasizes extensive classroom experience, a "Teacher as Servant" philosophy, and performance-based outcomes, ensuring you have every opportunity to become an effective teacher.
