Culturally-Responsive Practice
Engaging with the Latino Population
Friday, February 7th, 2020 | 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
DeWitt Theatre Arts Center | Northwestern College, Orange City IA
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Cost: $65 | lunch included
Continuing Education Credit Available:
1 Education License Renewal credit $50
6 Nursing CEs (IBON) $20
6 Social Work CEUs (Iowa NASW) $20
6 Behavioral Sciences CEUs (Iowa NASW) $20
6 Psychologist CEs (Boards in the Bureau of Professional Licensure reviewed) $20
One-day workshop
The professional relationship between client and provider is one of the most impactful factors for all healing professions and services. We bring our own experiences to the relationship and can face challenges of cultural differences with each client, patient, and family. How can we also bring cultural sensitivity, awareness and responsiveness to both professional practice and connections within our community?
This workshop will provide training for building richer, more authentic relationships with our Latin@ population. Any community member or professional in counseling, health care, education, social work, pastoral, mental health or therapeutic fields will benefit by attending.
Workshop objectives:
- Identify the “ideal” encounter between another and you.
- Increase awareness about how cultural matters are present in every moment and influence the process of change.
- Gain conversation skills for exploring your client’s needs, psychological wounds, and resources from a culturally informed stance.
- Identify personal challenges or areas of growth related to issues of diversity and culture.
- Learn new interventions that would be helpful to implement in your practice.
- Determine structural changes that would make your office or classroom more available, responsive, and accessible to Latin@ groups.
Register by February 3. Please contact online@ nwciowa.edu or 712-707-7388 with questions about the workshop.
Meet our presenter
Dr. Carlos Canales
Dr. Carlos Canales, Psy.D., CGP, FAGPA, SEP™, is a licensed Clinical Psychologist, Certified Group Psychotherapist, and Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner in private practice since 2011. He received his doctoral degree from Rosemead School of Psychology in 2007. He is fluent in Psychodynamic Therapy, Gestalt therapy, Family Systems, Somatic Experiencing, and Emotionally Focused Therapy. He has worked at multiple counseling centers such as the Biola Counseling Center, Fuller Psychological and Family Services, and the University of California–Davis Counseling and Psychological Center (UC-Davis, CAPS) for seven years. He has also worked in inpatient and outpatient hospitals and community mental health centers.
He is the co-founder of Vida Psychotherapy, a group clinic, in West Des Moines. He is bilingual and bicultural, and has developed an emphasis in the treatment of Latino/Latina clients, working with affect, and working with the body. He is a clinical member of the Iowa Psychological Association (IPA) and a fellow at the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA). He currently serves on the Iowa Psychological Foundation (IPF), as their president, and the Distance Learning Committee at the AGPA.
Workshop Partnership
This workshop is offered in partnership by Northwestern's Social Work and Graduate & Adult Learning departments, Community Health Partners of Sioux County (CHP), Promise Community Health Center, Sioux Center Health and Orange City Area Health System.
Evening community presentation by Dr. Canales
Viernes 7 de febrero | 5:00 - 7:30 pm | Rowenhorst Student Center | Cena incluida | No se require registro
Friday, February 7th | 5:00 - 7:30 pm | Rowenhorst Student Center | Dinner included | No registration required
Mente sana en cuerpo sano – atendiendo la salud mental en nuestra persona y familia
Healthy minds in healthy bodies – attending to our mental health needs.
Esta presentación tiene como meta proporcionar una visión general sobre la salud mental, especialmente en relación al grupo Latino. El taller propondrá un modelo para una vida saludable y dará a conocer algunos desafíos específicos para la población Latina en USA, como asuntos relacionados a inmigración, aculturación, trabajos, espiritualidad o valores, y las necesidades familiares que cambian en esta nueva cultura. Este taller será solo español.
This presentation will provide a general overview of mental health for Latin@s. It will propose a model for healthy living and address some specific challenges to the Latin@ population related to immigration, acculturation, employment demands, spirituality, and family needs. This workshop will be in Spanish only.