Biblical + Theological Studies

Start your standout story.

Biblical + Theological Studies

Start your journey toward a ministry career at Northwestern. Our curriculum will invite you to thoughtfully engage questions about the Bible, Christian traditions, and ministry practices—strengthening your Christian worldview and equipping you with tools to walk alongside others.

Major requirements

Biblical + Theological Studies
Why NWC?

Why NWC?

As a biblical + theological studies major, you’ll learn from expert professors with scholarly interests that range from early Christian history and archaeology to Old Testament prophets and Christian community development. Learn the basics of the Bible’s original language translations, with opportunities to take courses in Greek or Hebrew. You’ll also gain valuable hands-on experience during a one-semester internship suited to your ministry interests. Major course topics include Old and New Testament studies, theology of worship, and world religions. Related minors include biblical + theological studies, mission + justice, worship arts, youth ministry + Christian education, and nonprofit management. 

Dr. Michael Andres
Dr. Michael Andres
Department Chair
CHURCH EXPERIENCE Our professors regularly preach and provide church + missions leadership.
GREECE TO ROME Explore the church’s beginnings in Greece and Rome during summer study courses.
60% OF STUDENTS VOLUNTEER Each year, Northwestern students participate in service opportunities all over the world.


Our biblical + theological studies graduates are serving congregations, ministries and mission organizations around the world—pursuing their callings as pastors, ministry staff, camp directors, counselors, professors and social justice advocates. Grads say their coursework in Greek, Hebrew and biblical interpretation set them apart in seminary or graduate school—and their peers and seminary professors whole-heartedly agree.

Join our standout alumni at:

New Hope Evangelical Free Church
Orange City, IA
Camp Rock
Bridgeport, NE
New Horizons Foundation
Sunnybrook Church
Sioux City, IA
Princeton Theological Seminary
Princeton, NJ


Lead + serve

Lead + serve

Northwestern’s opportunities for worship leadership will give you experience planning and leading music for chapel services. Join the Justice + Service team to advocate for causes you care about, or participate in short-term missions during our 10-day Spring Service Partnerships or a 10-week Summer of Service. You can also apply to serve on the Campus Ministry Team or help lead weekly Bible studies in your dorm. 

Enhanced cultural IQ

Enhanced cultural IQ

Our mission + justice minor is designed to enhance your understanding of other cultures and provide practical ministry tools for serving those on society’s margins.

Nonprofit management

Nonprofit management

Northwestern students are passionate about creating change on campus, in their communities and in the greater world. That’s why we offer a nonprofit management minor to equip students to operate nonprofit and for-profit organizations that make a difference. 

Study abroad

 Study abroad

Experience different cultures and expand your worldview through one of dozens of study abroad programs. Northwestern also offers its own Romania Semester, through which you can join in the work of New Horizons Foundation, a nonprofit that uses adventure education programs to help Romanian youth develop responsibility, teamwork and trust.

Lead + serve

Northwestern’s opportunities for worship leadership will give you experience planning and leading music for chapel services. Join the Justice + Service team to advocate for causes you care about, or participate in short-term missions during our 10-day Spring Service Partnerships or a 10-week Summer of Service. You can also apply to serve on the Campus Ministry Team or help lead weekly Bible studies in your dorm. 

Enhanced cultural IQ

Our mission + justice minor is designed to enhance your understanding of other cultures and provide practical ministry tools for serving those on society’s margins.

Nonprofit management

Northwestern students are passionate about creating change on campus, in their communities and in the greater world. That’s why we offer a nonprofit management minor to equip students to operate nonprofit and for-profit organizations that make a difference. 

 Study abroad

Experience different cultures and expand your worldview through one of dozens of study abroad programs. Northwestern also offers its own Romania Semester, through which you can join in the work of New Horizons Foundation, a nonprofit that uses adventure education programs to help Romanian youth develop responsibility, teamwork and trust.

  • Faculty

    Brilliant scholars. Committed Christians. Invested in you. That’s Northwestern’s faculty.

  •  Andres Dr. Michael Andres Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies; Department Chair
  •  Kaltwasser Dr. Cambria Kaltwasser Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies; Director of Northwestern Core
  •  Lief Dr. Jason Lief ’96 Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies
  •  Vonder Bruegge Dr. John Vonder Bruegge Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies; Dean of Arts and Humanities; Co-director of the Honors Program
  •  Williams Dr. Jeremy Williams Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies