Raider Day registration

We're eager to host you on campus! If you have any questions, contact our campus visit expert at 712-707-7143.

If the date you wish to attend isn't provided as an option, the online registration for that date has closed. Registrations close one week in advance of the date so we can prepare the best visit possible for you.

Personal information

(or parent's cell)
A confirmation will be sent to both emails.

Visit information

(available for high school juniors and seniors only)

If so, when?

If yes, you will need to contact the admissions office at least one week in advance with details.


Please search for your school.

Academic & personal interests

If you're not sure, that's OK; just select "Undecided".
UndecidedAccountingActuarial ScienceAmerican GovernmentArtArt TherapyArt/Graphic DesignArts AdministrationBiblical and Theological StudiesBiochemistryBiologyBiology–Ecological ScienceBiology–Genetics, Molecular Biology, and Cellular BiologyBiology–Health ProfessionsBiophysicsBusiness AdministrationBusiness Administration–Agricultural BusinessBusiness Administration–FinanceBusiness Administration–International BusinessBusiness Administration–ManagementBusiness Administration–MarketingBusiness EducationChemistryChristian Theatre MinistriesComputer ScienceCriminal JusticeCultural StudiesCybersecurityData Science and StatisticsDevelopmental PsychologyEconomicsEducation StudiesEducation–ElementaryEducation–SecondaryEngineeringEnglish TeachingEntrepreneurshipExercise ScienceFitness ManagementHealthHistoryHonors ProgramHumanitiesJournalismLeadership StudiesMathematicsMathematics TeachingMedical Laboratory ScienceMiddle East StudiesMission and JusticeMultimediaMusicMusic–Modified with Elementary EducationMusic–Secondary Education (Instrumental)Non-Profit ManagementNursing (BSN)Physical EducationPhysicsPhysics EducationPolitical SciencePre-Athletic TrainingPre-ChiropracticPre-LawPre-MedicinePre-MortuaryPre-OptometryPre-PharmacyPre-Physical TherapyPre–DentistryPre–Music TherapyPre–Occupational TherapyPre–Physician AssistantPre–SeminaryPre–Veterinary MedicineProject ManagementPsychologyPublic RelationsSocial EnterpriseSocial Studies EducationSocial WorkSociologySoftware EngineeringSpanishSpanish–English Translation and InterpretationSpecial EducationSport Management–BusinessSport Management–LeadershipSport Management–Media/MarketingStrength and ConditioningTeaching English as a Second Language (TESL)TheatreTheatre EducationWorship ArtsWriting & Digital MediaYouth Ministry and Christian Formation

Extracurricular interests for college

These extracurriculars will be available to meet at the majors & involvements fair.
These extracurriculars will be available to meet at the majors & involvements fair.

Auditions are only available to seniors and transfer students.

General information