Music scholarship audition requirements


Instrumental or keyboard auditions

  • Two-octave major scales up to two flats or two sharps (scales not required for keyboard)
  • Sight reading
  • Prepared piece
    • Piano: classical solo (minimum of 3 minutes)
    • All others: one short piece or etude that demonstrates two contrasting styles (or two contrasting pieces)
    • If possible please bring a copy of prepared piece for the Director's use during the audition

Vocal auditions

  • Range check
  • Sight reading
  • Sing a familiar hymn tune (or you may bring a prepared solo for your audition. If possible please bring a copy of prepared piece for the Director's use during the audition.)

No CD accompaniments, please. You are welcome to provide your own accompanist, or one will be provided by the college. It isn't necessary to mail your accompaniment music in advance.


Instrumental or keyboard auditions

  • Two-octave major scales up to two flats or two sharps (scales not required for keyboard)
  • Prepared piece
    • Piano: classical solo (minimum of 3 minutes)
    • All others: one short piece or etude that demonstrates two contrasting styles (or two contrasting pieces)

Vocal auditions

  • Two short contrasting solos, with or without accompaniment (one may be a hymn)


If you have questions about auditions, please email the music department office or call 712-707-7062
