Students in class talking with a professor

Per the requirement of CSWE COA’s recognizing body, the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), an accreditation standard 5.0.1, a program must post this form publicly on its website and routinely update (minimally every two years) its findings. Upon request, programs must provide CSWE with the weblink to the published form on the program’s website where it is accessible to the public.  Data presented on the form must be collected within two years of today’s date at all times.

Directions for completing Form AS B5.0.1(d)
5.0.1(d) The program posts its assessment plan and summary outcomes publicly on its webpage using Form AS 5.0.1(d). The findings are updated every two years, at minimum. The program submits Form AS B5.0.1(d) to report its assessment plan and most recent assessment summary outcomes. The program provides a hyperlink to the program’s webpage where the assessment plan and summary outcomes are publicly displayed. The program provides outcomes for each program option and in aggregate.

Indicate the benchmark percentage for each competency. The competency benchmark is the percent of students the program expects to have achieved both/all outcome measure benchmarks. Programs calculate the percentage of students achieving each outcome measure benchmark, then calculate the percentage of students achieving each competency inclusive of two or more measures for each program option.  Programs with multiple program options must present data for each program option, and in aggregate inclusive of all program options per competency.  Programs may add/delete columns to accurately reflect the number of program options offered. This is a required form. The assessment data table may be altered to accurately reflect the number of program options offered and additional program-developed competencies. However, beyond these formatting alterations, the program may not alter the content of this form.

Commission on Accreditation (COA) Department of Social Work Accreditation (DOSWA) Baccalaureate and Master's Social Work Program Accreditation

2022 EPAS
Accreditation Standard B5.0.1(d) | Form AS B5.0.1(d) | Public Reporting of Assessment Outcomes

Generalist Practice | Summary of Plan

Competency 1: Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 3 of 5 on each criterion     80%
Measure 2 (M2): SWK 440: Ethical position paper 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): SWK 440: Technology ethics paper 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 4 (M4): SWK 440: Professional seminar reflection  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item
Competency 2: Advance human rights and social, racial, economic and environmental justice Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 3 of 5 on each criterion     80%
Measure 2 (M2): SWK420: Community organizing project: Engage/assess 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): SWK360: Advocacy letter writing campaign  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Competency 3: Engage anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion (ADEI) in practice Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 3 of 5 on each criterion     80%
Measure 2 (M2): SWK225: Cross-cultural social engagement 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): SWK225: Cultural immersion paper  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 4 (M4): SWK225: Diversity appreciation conversation/presentation  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 5 (M5): SWK225: Plan of change paper  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 3 of 5 on each criterion     80%
Measure 2 (M2): SWK320WI: Qualitative research project literature review 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): SWK370: EBP individual project rubric: Critique of the model 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 4 (M4): SWK400: EBP family project: Part B research-informed practice 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item
Measure 5 (M5): SWK420: Community organizing project: Literature review & introduction 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item
Competency 5: Engage in policy practice Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 3 of 5 on each criterion     80%
Measure 2 (M2): SWK360: Legislative day & reflection paper 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): SWK360: Advocacy letter writing campaign  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 4 (M4): SWK360: Social policy brief  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Competency 6: Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 3 of 5 on each criterion     80%
Measure 2 (M2): Individuals: SWK370: EPB individual project: Part 1 engage and assessment 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): Families: SWK400: MSFA (Multi-stressed family assignment): Part 1: Case description and brief social history  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 4 (M4): Groups: SWK400: EBP diverse family population project: A. EBP project: Special family populations literature review  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 5 (M5): Org/Communities: SWK420: Community organizing project: Literature review  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Competency 7: Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities  Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 3 of 5 on each criterion     80%
Measure 2 (M2): Individuals: Course-embedded measure, SWK370: EBP individual project: Part 1 engage and assessment 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): Families: SWK400: MSFA (Multi-stressed family assignment): Part 2: Assessment 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 4 (M4): Groups: SWK400: EBP diverse family population project: A. EBP project: Special family populations literature review 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item
Measure 5 (M5): Org/Communities: SWK420: Community organizing project: Lit. review & planning decisions: Engage/assess 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item
Competency 8: Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 3 of 5 on each criterion     80%
Measure 2 (M2): Individual: SWK370: EBP individual project: Part 2 intervention 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): Family: SWK400: MSFA (Multi-stressed family assignment): Part 3: Treatment plan  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 4 (M4): Groups: SWK400: EBP diverse family population project: Part C family treatment curriculum  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 5 (M5): Org/Communities: SWK420: Community organizing project: Section 2: Intervention actions  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Competency 9: Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 3 of 5 on each criterion     80%
Measure 2 (M2): Individual: SWK370: EPB individual project: Part 3: Evaluation 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): Family: SWK400: MSFA (Multi-stressed family assignment): Part 4: Evaluation  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 4 (M4): Groups: SWK400: EBP diverse family population project: Evaluate/personal reflection  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 5 (M5): Org/communities: SWK420: Community organizing project: Evaluation  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Competency 10: Faith integration and spiritual engagement Measure 1 (M1): SWK460SR: Senior Seminar: Final faith integration paper 3 of 5 on each rubric line item     80%
Measure 2 (M2): SWK420: Community systems: Unit review papers 3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 3 (M3): SWK440: Ethics: Journals  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 
Measure 4 (M4): SWK360: Social policy: Legislative day/reflection  3 of 5 points on each rubric line item 

Competency 1: Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior 80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

SWK440: Ethical position paper; SWK440: Technology Ethics; SWK460SR: Professional seminar final presentation and paper; SWK 460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI)
of students met or exceeded the benchmark

Competency 2: Advance human rights and social, racial, economic and environmental justice

80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

SWK360: Advocacy letter writing campaign; SWK420: Community organizing project; SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI) 
of students met or exceeded the benchmark
Competency 3: Engage anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion (ADEI) in practice 80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

SWK 225: Cross-cultural engagement paper; SWK225: Cultural immersion paper; SWK225: Diversity appreciation conversation/presentation; SWK225: Plan of change paper; SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPAAI)
of students met or exceeded the benchmark
Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice 80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

SWK320WI: Qualitative research paper; SWK370: EBP individual client research paper; SWK400: EBP family project: Part B research-informed practice; SWK420: Community organizing project: Literature review & introduction; SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPPAI)
of students met or exceeded the benchmark
Competency 5: Engage in policy practice 80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

SWK360: Legislative day & reflection paper; SWK360: Advocacy letter writing campaign; SWK360: Social policy brief; SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPAAI)
of students met or exceeded the benchmark
Competency 6: Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities 80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

Individual: SWK370: Individual EBP project; Family: SWK400: MSFA (Multi-stressed family assignment); Groups: SWK400: EBP diverse family population project; Org/Communities: SWK420: Community organizing project; SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPAAI)
of students met or exceeded the benchmark
Competency 7: Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities 80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

Individual: SWK370: Individual EBP project; Family: SWK400: MSFA (Multi-stressed family assignment); Groups: SWK400: EBP diverse family population project; Org/Communities: SWK420: Community organizing project; SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPAAI)
of students met or exceeded the benchmark
Competency 8: Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities 80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

Individual: SWK370: Individual EBP project; Family: SWK400: MSFA (Multi-stressed family assignment); Groups: SWK400: EBP diverse family population project; Org/Communities: SWK420: Community organizing project; SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPAAI)
of students met or exceeded the benchmark
Competency 9: Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities 80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

Individual: SWK370: Individual EBP project; Family: SWK400: MSFA (Multi-stressed family assignment); Groups: SWK400: EBP diverse family population project; Org/Communities: SWK420: Community organizing project; SWK460SR: Practicum evaluation instrument (FPAAI)
of students met or exceeded the benchmark
Competency 10: Faith integration and spiritual engagement
Vision for Learning: Integrate faith in learning and practice through a liberal arts perspective by engaging ideas, connecting knowledge and experience, and responding to God's call for service.
80% of students will earn a 3 or better on rubric scale, competency benchmark in two or more measures including:

SWK360: Social Policy: Legislative day/reflection; SWK420: Community Systems: Book review papers; SWK440: Ethics: Journals; SWK460SR: Senior Seminar: Final faith integration paper
of students met or exceeded the benchmark