Dr. Daniel Edward Young Professor of Political Science; Department Chair


Ph.D., Temple University
M.P.I.A., University of Pittsburgh
B.A., Calvin College

VPH 300G

Dr. Young is a political theorist with research interests in contemporary political thought, the political theory of international relations, and the intersection of theology and political theory. He has presented papers at several academic conferences in the United States and has authored articles, book chapters, and book reviews. His current research is on the relationship of political liberalism and natural law.

HIS540 - European History and Politics Since 1945

This course examines major political issues in Europe since 1945. Topicscovered include the emergence of a politically divided Europe, ideologicaldebates in post-war European politics, the project of European integration,the breakup of the communist bloc and its aftermath, religion and Europeanpolitics, and current issues in Europe. Prerequisite: completed bachelor'sdegree in education. (3 credits)

PSC101SS - American Government

(4 credits) (NWCore option under Self and Society) (American politics) A broad survey of the major political and governmental institutions in the United States, this course examines how citizens attempt to influence their government and how the government responds. The course also develops the foundations for a biblical perspective on the role of government and the role of citizens.

PSC205SS - Political Ideologies

(4 credits) (NWCore option under Self and Society) (American politics) A survey of contemporary political ideologies such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and others. Students will seek to understand the relevance of these ideologies for public policy, and will seek to develop a Christian perspective on, and critique of, contemporary ideologies.

PSC210BR - Introduction to Political Philosophy

(4 credits, alternate years, consult department) (NWCore option under Belief and Reason) This course introduces the student to philosophy by means of an examination of the main questions of social and political theory. It examines such matters as the justification and purpose of government, anarchism, justice, equality, and human rights.Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in political science.

PSC230SS - International Relations

(4 credits, alternate years, consult department) (NWCore option under Self and Society) This course investigates war and terrorism in a globalized world. We will examine possible causes of international conflict and the obstacles to peaceful solutions, as well as studying the various aspects of globalization (political, economic, social, etc.) as the context in which these issues take place.

PSC235CC - Comparative Politics

(4 credits) (NWCore option under Cross-Cultural Engagement) A survey of the politics of several countries from different continents. Special attention is paid to historical development and ideological, religious, and cultural factors affecting a country's politics.

PSC250HP - The Cold War and Beyond: International History 1945-2000

(4 credits) (Fulfills NWCore Historical Perspectives requirement) A survey of international history from 1945 to 2000, with a focus on the Cold War and its global impact. The major aim of this course is for students to understand the time we live in now by exploring recent international history. A major theme is the interaction between power politics and ideology. We will also note the various possible historical narratives that can be told about the same time period.

PSC310WI - History of Political Thought

(4 credits, alternate years, consult department) (Writing intensive) A survey of the history of Western political thought, through study of selected major thinkers in the tradition. Emphasis will be placed both on each thinker's political theory and how it fits in the broader history of Western political thought. Prerequisite: junior class standing, or permission of the instructor. Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in philosophy.

PSC325 - American Political Thought

(4 credits, non-yearly, consult department) (American politics) A survey of the historical development of American political thought with attention to significant American political thinkers from the colonial period to the present. Special emphasis will be given to the uneasy relationship between liberalism and democracy and the interaction between American political institutions and culture.Prerequisite: junior class standing, or permission of the instructor. Cross-Referenced: Cross-referenced in history.

“A Dead End in Alasdair MacIntyre’s Political Thought? Reconsidering Social Institutions, Pluralism, and the Liberal Tradition” in the Journal of Religion, Culture & Democracy (2022).

“Power, Liberalism, and Political Science: Some Christian Reflections.” The Northwestern Review 2:1 (2017)

“The Maoist Moment in American Conservatism.” Perpectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought. September/October 2016.

“Natural Law and Agonistic Pluralism.” The Northwestern Review 1:1 (2016).

"MacIntyre, Alasdair C." in The Encyclopedia of Political Thought (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014)

“Escape from Machiavellianism? Thomist Themes in Twentieth Century Political Realism.” Politics and Religion (December 2011)

"International Institutions and the Problem of Judgment" in Christianity and Power Politics Today: Christian Realism and Contemporary Political Dilemmas, edited by Eric Patterson (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).

"Martin Wight: Politics in the Era of Leviathan" in The Christian Realists: Reassessing the Contributions of Niebuhr and his Contemporaries, edited by Eric Patterson (University Press of America, 2003).

Association for Political Theory

Christians in Political Science

International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry
