Dr. Beverly Gibson Clarinet Instructor


D.Min., Louisiana State University
M.Mus., University of North Texas
B.A., State University of New York at Fredonia


Dr. Gibson has held teaching positions for the Plano, Texas, school district, McNeese State University, the University of Central Arkansas, Northwestern College and Dordt College. She is an artist clinician for Buffet Crampon clarinets. Dr. Gibson performs the bass clarinet/E-flat clarinet with the South Dakota Symphony, Sioux City Symphony and Northwest Iowa Symphony. Her international recital tours have included performances in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and Switzerland. A versatile woodwind performer, she has played in the house orchestras on several cruise lines; with numerous big bands, such as the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra; and for artists such as the Temptations and Andy Williams. She is a featured clarinet soloist on the CD Blues for Cook.
