Dr. Angela (Holt) Carlson Associate Professor of Music; Director of Instrumental Studies and Music Education


D.M.A., University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music
M.M., University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music
B.M.E., Wheaton College Conservatory of Music

DMH 109

Directs: Symphonic Band, Jazz Band and Chamber Ensembles

Dr. Angela Holt has been the director of instrumental studies and music education at Northwestern College since 2017. She directs the NWC Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, chamber ensembles, teaches various music courses, and supervises student teachers. Previously, she served as the associate director of wind studies and educator at the University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music, as well as the director of bands at the College of William and Mary, and a high school band director in Texas. She holds a bachelor’s degree in music education (piano emphasis) from Wheaton College Conservatory of Music, and Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees of Music in instrumental conducting with a cognate in music education from the University of Cincinnati-CCM.

The Northwestern College Symphonic Band was invited to perform at the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference in 2018 under the baton of Dr. Holt. In 2019 she was the recipient of the Northwestern College’s Faculty Excellence in Faith and Learning Award. She is the coordinator for the Iowa Collegiate Honor Band for college musicians across the state of Iowa. Dr. Holt is also the conductor of the Northwest Iowa Symphony Youth Orchestra and assistant conductor for the Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra. She serves regularly as a guest conductor for various honor orchestras and bands across the region and offers clinics to schools in the area, as well as an adjudicator across the United States. She has also had the opportunity to tour with ensembles throughout the U.S. and internationally, including Spain and Canada. Beyond her extensive experience in music education, conducting, music competition adjudication, and music theater directing/conducting, she brings experience in community arts/outreach as a chamber musician/conductor.

Originally from East Texas, she studied music at an early age, beginning on piano then later added other instruments. The gift of music has been life-changing for her, and she continues to be grateful to have the opportunity to create music with other musicians for the glory of God. Dr. Holt has been blessed to work with musicians throughout the country and feels honored to be here in northwest Iowa.
