Dr. Jennifer Schon Director of Institutional Research; Instructor of Statistics


Ph.D., M.A., University of Kansas
B.A., Buena Vista University


When Dr. Jennifer Schon is teaching data science and statistics courses, she often uses specific examples from her work as Northwestern’s director of institutional research. She holds both a master’s degree and a doctorate from the University of Kansas, where her Ph.D. focus was interpersonal and computer-mediated communication and her minor was quantitative psychology.

Dr. Schon’s research has been published in the Encyclopedia of Family Studies, Emerging Adulthood, and Contemporary Case Studies in Health Communication: Theoretical and Applied Approaches. She has presented at conventions of the International Association for Relationship Research and the National Communication Association. The results of her research have also been covered by Time, the Chicago Tribune, and ABC News.

MAT270 - Introduction to Data Science

(2 credits; alternate years, consult department) This course builds on and extends student skills in gaining insights fromdata with special emphasis on analysis and interpretation. Prerequisites: CSC170 and MAT116QR.

MAT330 - Data Validation

(3 credits; alternate years, consult department) A course building student skills in working with large data sets gathered from real-world studies and experiments. Students will learn and experience best practices for data-type, range, constraint, code, cross-reference, structured, and textual validation. Prerequisites: CSC170 and one of the following: MAT116QR, MAT117QR, MAT208QR or PSY215.

MAT445 - Statistical Design

(3 credits; alternate years, consult department) A course focusing on the theory and objectives critical to the design and implementation of sound statistical experiments and surveys, including survey and experimental methods. Emphasis on sampling techniques, instrument design, reliability and validity. Prerequisite: CSC170QR, MAT112QR and MAT116QR or MAT117QR.

Schon, J. (2016). Courtship. In C. Shehan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Family Studies (pp. 465-468). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Schon, J., Ristic, I., & Manning, J. (2015). When the Internet Becomes the Doctor: Seeking Health Information Online. In M. Brann (Ed.), Contemporary Case Studies in Health Communication: Theoretical & Applied Approaches (2nd ed., pp. 311-322). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Schon, J. (2014). “Dad Doesn’t Text:” Examining How Parents’ Use of Information Communication Technologies Influences Satisfaction Among Emerging Adult Children. Emerging Adulthood, 2 (4), 304-312.

Associate Director of Institutional Research and Instructor of Statistics, Northwestern College

Visiting Assistant Professor, Northern Illinois University

Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Kansas
