Dr. Robert Winn Professor of History; Department Chair


Ph.D., The Catholic University of America
M.A., The Catholic University of America
M.A., Miami University (Ohio)
B.A., Cedarville University

VPH 305B

Dr. Winn earned his Ph.D. in the Early Christian Studies program at The Catholic University of America, and his degree focused on two examination areas: Late Antique history and Greek and Latin Patristics. His research interests include religious and intellectual history in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Prior to joining Northwestern’s faculty, he was a visiting professor at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Winn is the author of Eusebius of Emesa: Church and Theology in the Mid-Fourth Century (2011) and Christianity in the Roman Empire (100-300): Key Figures, Beliefs, and Practices of the Early Church (2018). His published articles have appeared in the Journal of Early Christian Studies and Vigiliae Christianae, and he has presented papers at both the International Conference on Patristic Studies at Oxford University and the International Congress on Medieval Studies. He received Northwestern College’s Excellence in Faith and Learning Award in 2020.

Recent scholarship includes four articles in the forthcoming Dictionary of Christan Apologists and Critics (Wiley-Blackwell). His current research focuses on Arnobius of Sicca's Adversus Nationes and Christian apologetics in the age of Diocletian.

Courses Dr. Winn teaches:

Northwestern Core:
First Year Seminar
City, Empire and Church: Antiquity to the Early Modern Period
Medieval Worlds: Caliphate, Byzantium, Christendom
Search for a Useful Past: Narratives of the Modern World

Courses for History Majors and Minors:
History of Ancient Greece
History of Ancient Rome
Renaissance Europe
History of Medieval Europe
Christianity and Society in Late Antiquity
History of Christianity
Historiography and the Philosophy of History

Honors Course:
Magic, Science, and Religion in the Middle Ages

Latin 101: Elementary Latin I
Latin 102': Elementary Latin II
Latin 200: Latin Authors
