Dr. Tom Truesdell '01 Director of Student Success; Coordinator of Writing Across the Curriculum; Lecturer in English


Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
M.A., DePaul University
B.A., Northwestern College

DWLC 109

Dr. Truesdell directs Northwestern's Student Success Center, oversees the First-Year Seminar, chairs the Retention Committee and Student Success Committee, and teaches in the English department. Before returning to his alma mater, he served as a writing center specialist at the College of Lake County (IL) and a graduate assistant in the DePaul University Writing Centers. His research addresses both writing center and composition theory, although he is interested in almost anything that deals with writing, language and literacy. Truesdell received his master's degree in writing theory and pedagogy from DePaul University and a Ph.D. in composition & TESOL from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

ENG221 - Responding to Writing

(4 credits; alternate years, consult department) This course will enable students to develop a theorized practice forresponding to writing. Students will study methods of response, conferencing strategies, approaches to revision, English as a Second Language (ESL), interpersonal dynamics, and the ethics of text intervention. They will also explore contemporary research in the composition field, which will help them better respond to writing and improve their own writing skills. As a course requirement, students must satisfy a practicum commitment by working a minimum of one hour per week (for pay) in the Writing Center. Prerequisite: Declared English teaching major, declared public relations major, or permission of instructor. When Offered: Every fall.

“The Communally Focused Writing Center.” The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning. (Forthcoming).

“Social Justice, Language, and the Christian Liberal Arts: Why School Isn’t Always Fair.” Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought (August/September 2010): 10-13.

“Problems with Bruffee: Post-Process Theory and Writing Center Opposition.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal 5.2 (Spring 2008).

“Not Choosing Sides: Using Directive and Non-Directive Methodology in a Writing Session.” Writing Lab Newsletter 31.6 (February 2007): 7-11.

“Don’t Forget Us: The Impact of Director Presence on Tutors.” Writing Lab Newsletter. 29.3 (November 2004): 1-3.

ESL Writers: A Guide For Writing Center Tutors (2nd Ed.). Shanti Bruce and Ben Rafoth, Eds. English for Specific Purposes Journal. August 2010. Book Review.

“Peer Tutor to WC Administrator: Using Peer Tutoring Experience in Writing Center Administration.” NCPTW, November 2012, Chicago, IL.

“Now What? Using Your Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse Degree.” DePaul University, May 25, 2011, Chicago, IL.

“English is Not My First Language Either: Starting an EFL Writing Center in Taiwan. IWCA-NCPTW Joint Conference, November 2010, Baltimore, Maryland.

“Opportunities for Writing Centers in Taiwan.” National Cheng-Chi University, December 10, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.

“Not in the Classroom: A Discussion of Writing Center History, Theory, and Administration.” National Chengua University, December 9, 2008, Chengua, Taiwan.

Director, Academic Support, Northwestern College

Coordinator, Writing Across-the-Curriculum, Northwestern College

English Instructor, Northwestern College

Writing Center Specialist, College of Lake County (IL)

Writing Center Coordinator, DePaul University

Freelance Writer-Editor, Harvard and Northwestern Universities

Staff Writer, N'West Iowa Review, Okoboji Magazine, and Discover Magazine

International Writing Centers Association

Midwest Writing Centers Association

Conference on College Composition and Communication

National Council of Teachers of English

Distinguished Graduate, DePaul University

Graduate Assistantship, DePaul University
