Kimberly Van Es Instructor in Business Writing

KimVan Es

M.A., University of Iowa
B.A., Dordt College

Professor Van Es taught at the high school and college level for 25+ years and has presented multiple times at the Iowa Council of Teachers of English conference and the National Teachers of English Convention on topics related to grammar, young adult literature, and methods of teaching English.

She has written for the Write Source Company and served as a copy editor for 13 books. Through her business, Kim's Writing & Editing Service, she works with writers across the country, helping them revise their writing to meet the needs of their audience.

In 2013 Van Es received Northwestern's first Faculty Inspirational Service Award, given for going above and beyond expectations, personifying a strong Christian commitment, and serving as an inspiration to the campus community. She received the Iowa Council of Teachers of English Distinguished Service Award in 2023.

National Council of Teachers of English

Iowa Council of Teachers of English
