Dr. Laura Furlong Professor of Biology; Director of Faculty Development
Ph.D., University of California-Santa Barbara
M.A., University of California-Santa Barbara
B.S., California Polytechnic State University
SCI 229
An environmental scientist, Dr. Furlong holds a doctorate in ecology, evolution and marine biology. Her research and publications have been in the fields of stream ecology, entomology and biogeography, and she has experience as a biological consultant. Furlong teaches Introduction to Environmental Science, General Biology, Invertebrate Zoology and Aquatic Ecology and has been a stream ecology instructor for the Creation Care Study Program in Belize. She also serves as Northwestern's director of faculty development.
BIO101SN - Introduction to Environmental Science
(4 credits) (NWCore option under Science and the Natural World) An introduction to an understanding of Earth's basic life support systems, the impact of human activity on such systems, and the ethical basis and strategies for human response to environmental degradation. Note: Includes 1 1/2 hours of lab per week. Does not count toward a biology major or minor. A fee is associated with this course.
BIO115SN - General Biology: Molecular and Cellular Biology
(4 credits) (NWCore option under Science and the Natural World) An introduction to molecular and cellular biology, with an examination of the processes common to living organisms and an introduction to the diversity of life, emphasizing unicellular organisms. This introduction will provide students with a basic understanding of macromolecules, cell structure and function, respiration and photosynthesis, the cell cycle, meiosis, genetics, mechanisms of evolutionary change, and Christian perspectives on evolutionary biology. Prerequisite: Combined Math + Science ACT of at least 44, sophomore standing, or permission of instructor. Note: Three lectures and 3 hours of laboratory work per week. A fee is associated with this course.
BIO116 - General Biology: Ecology and Organismal Biology
(4 credits) An introduction to organismal biology and ecology. Structure and function of representatives from the plant and animal kingdom are emphasized. In addition, students will be introduced to basic ecological concepts and Christian perspectives on stewardship. Note: Three lectures and 3 hours of laboratory work per week. A fee is associated with this course.
BIO205 - Ecology
(4 credits) A study of the processes determining the distribution and abundance of organisms in space and time, their exchange of matter and energy with their environment, the measurement of these phenomena, and the application of ecological knowledge in the care of creation. Prerequisites: BIO115 and 116. Note: Course includes required field trips and 3 hours of lab per week. A fee is associated with this course.