Dr. Jeremy Williams Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies
Ph.D., M.A., University of California-Los Angeles
M.A.T.S., Portland Seminary
B.A., Wheaton College
B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology
VPH 115F
Dr. Williams has a wealth of educational and teaching experience. After earning engineering degrees from Wheaton College and Illinois Institute of Technology, he earned a master's degree in theological studies, with a focus on biblical studies, from George Fox Evangelical Seminary (now Portland Seminary). He then completed both a master's degree and doctorate in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (NELC) from UCLA. While pursuing his graduate degrees at UCLA, he was a teaching assistant, teaching associate, and teaching fellow for the university's NELC department. He also served two years as an adjunct professor of Old Testament studies at Portland Seminary.
BTS150 - Christian Story I: Biblical Tradition
(4 credits) This course presents an overview of and orientation to the Bible, focusing on its content, character, role in the Christian faith, and covenant themes of creation, fall, redemption, and new creation. This course begins the development of theological thinking for academic study in the liberal arts and equips students for the task of integrating faith and learning in their academic work. Students should complete this course by the end of their second term. Note: Does not count toward a religion major or minor.
BTS317 - Topics in Old Testament Studies
(2 credits) A study of a single book or larger section of the Old Testament or a current area of critical inquiry concerning the Old Testament. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the Pentateuch, the Historical Writings, the Prophets, and the Poetic and Wisdom books. Prerequisites: BTS150 and sophomore class standing.Note: May be taken more than once provided a different topic is studied.
“The Second Temple” in The Database of Religious History (Vancouver, BC: UBC, Forthcoming)
“‘You Have Entered Joppa:’ 3D Modeling of Jaffa’s New Kingdom Egyptian Gate,” Near Eastern Archaeology (Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press for the American Schools of Oriental Research, 2016)
“Gopher Wood” in the Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, H. Spieckermann and C.L. Seow, eds. (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2015)
“Hare Hebrew Bible/Old Testament” in the Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, H. Spieckermann and C.L. Seow, eds. (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2015) “Performativity of KTU 1.178: Power of Words in Speech and Writing at Ugarit,” Society of Biblical Literature National Meeting; San Diego, CA, 2019
“The Babylonian Destruction of Jerusalem and the Exile,” for Jerusalem: Holy City course; UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, Spring 2019 Guest Lecture
“From Reciprocity to Economic Trade in 2 Chronicles 2,” Society of Biblical Literature National Meeting; Boston, MA, 2017
“3D Modeling Jaffa’s New Kingdom Egyptian Fortress,” Lecture at Cotsen Institute of Archaeology; UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 2017
Adjunct Professor of Old Testament Studies, Portland Seminary of George Fox University (2022-24)
Teaching Fellow, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Department, University of California-Los Angeles (2019-21)
Teaching Associate, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Department, University of California-Los Angeles (2018-19)
Teaching Assistant, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Department, University of California-Los Angeles (2015-19)
Society of Biblical Literature
Society of Vineyard Scholars
Graduate Research Mentorship, UCLA
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Summer Language Fellowship for Modern Hebrew, UCLA
Biblical Archaeology Society Excavation Scholarship