Omaha, Nebraska
Millard West High School; Northwestern College, bachelor’s degree in mathematics
Dream vacation
I'd like to visit the countryside of Ireland someday—nowhere specific! Hopefully I would find a hospitable village or town to house me while I get to know and live alongside the locals.
Favorite movie
Interstellar. Space is awesome, and Interstellar does such a good job of capturing its beauty, vastness and danger all in one film.
Fun fact
I can name the capital of any country in the world, and I can do it based on the image of the country's flag.
Favorite place on Northwestern’s campus
Hospers Hall. I spent all four years in college living there, and it really had an impact on my development and growth. I was a big fan of walking through the hallways when I was bored to see what was going on, meet new people, or catch up with friends. I definitely feel like it was my second home.
College search advice
The best advice I have on searching for a college is to visit in person. You can do as much research as you want online, but actually being there is a different experience. Go on as many college visits as you can.