Dani Duistermars ’18 Assistant Director of Admissions–Music Recruitment Coordinator


Orange City, Iowa

MOC-Floyd Valley High School; Northwestern College, bachelor’s degree in sociology

Favorite restaurant 
I really like the drive-in Slades in Rock Rapids. It’s named something new this year, but my family and I will keep calling it Slades. It’s usually where I’ll choose to go if we’re celebrating something—particularly for their ice cream!

Trip I'd like to take 
I would really like to visit Budapest. When I studied in Romania during college, we had a fall break and traveled through Budapest, but we were only really there for a few hours. I would love to stay and explore more of the city.

Fun fact 
When I was younger, I loved typing but didn’t have much of a reason to type yet, so I would just type the alphabet over and over. As a result, I can type the alphabet song in about 12 seconds.

Favorite place on Northwestern’s campus  
I love the DeWitt Learning Commons. It’s an open and bright space, but what I like most is how there are always so many other students around. It was really easy to run into someone and have a conversation for a while. It made for a great study break.

Favorite thing about Orange City   
Orange City’s downtown, especially at night. In the summer they have simple lights strung across the street, and after Thanksgiving, it’s filled with Christmas lights. When I’m on a walk with friends, we always have to go downtown at some point.

College search advice   
When I was searching for colleges, staying overnight in the dorms always made a huge difference in how well I got to know the campus. It gave me the chance to interact with students and helped me to see myself actually going there, rather than just seeing myself as a visiting high school student.
