Students studying on the campus green.

Quick facts about NWC


Northwestern College is a Christian academic community engaging students in courageous and faithful learning and living that empowers them to follow Christ and pursue God's redeeming work in the world.

Denominational affiliation

Northwestern was born out of the Reformed Church in America and identifies as Reformed, evangelical and ecumenical, drawing from the strengths of each perspective in fulfilling our mission. Students, faculty and staff come from more than 45 Christian denominations.


1,719 (2024-25)
Undergraduate students: 1,187
Graduate students: 521
Northwestern NEXT students: 11
States represented: 29 (43% of traditional undergraduate students are from out of state)
Countries represented: 26
Gender: 52% men, 48% women (traditional undergraduates)
Ethnic diversity: 12% of undergraduates are students of color and another 5% are international students

Average high school GPA


Average ACT score

NWC average: 22.8
Iowa average: 20.8 (1)
National average: 19.5 (2)

% of students living on campus

84% of degree-seeking residential program undergraduates

Full-time faculty


Full-time staff


% of full-time faculty with doctorates or terminal degrees


Undergraduate student-faculty ratio


Average class size for traditional undergraduates


Programs offered

Bachelor's, master's and online

Top undergraduate majors

  1. Elementary education
  2. Nursing
  3. Exercise science
  4. Biology–health professions
  5. Business administration–finance
  6. Secondary education
  7. Business administration–management
  8. Business administration
  9. Business administration–marketing
  10. Accounting
  11. Psychology
  12. Criminal justice

Retention rate


6-year graduation rate


66% (83% of graduates earn their degree in 4 years or less)

Job placement rate


Undergraduate tuition and financial aid

Undergraduate tuition and fees (2024-25): $36,400
Housing and food (average for 2024-25): $11,100
Average financial aid package: $31,500 annually (includes $5,500 in federal loans)
Students receiving financial aid: 100% (traditional undergraduates)

Campus location
and size
Orange City, Iowa (population: 6,267); 100-acre campus includes nearly $80 million invested in new construction and other improvements since 2008

Athletic affiliation

NAIA; Great Plains Athletic Conference (GPAC)

